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Leadership 4.0

We all know that the world is changing at an exponential rate.  Some refer to this moment as the fourth industrial revolution, or IR 4.0. This revolution makes the first three look like dress rehearsals. 


However the problem for most companies is that they are operating in a 4.0 world with at best 3.0 leadership, if not even earlier versions.  No wonder so many organisations are dying, so many leaders fail, and high performance is but a pipe dream for most. Leadership after all is the most significant influence of company performance by a country mile.*


Leadership 4.0 requires a new philosophy, psychology, principles and practices.  Not everything about leadership is changing of course but knowing what leadership capabilities are timeless and for which it is time to change is critical to not only leadership success but also company survival.


One might think leadership 4.0 is the domain of the tech sector, but it is neither exclusive to the likes of Silicon Valley or solely defined by it.  Everyone can benefit from leadership 4.0.  There are a growing number of examples of leadership 4.0 in Asia Pacific and many extend beyond the digital arena.


The Leadership 4.0 series of keynotes, workshops and programs assess and equip participants with greater self awareness, mindframes, focus, behaviours and practices to be high performance leaders, to build your organisation's readiness and resilience for the future of work, making the most of the opportunities present in the fourth industrial revolution.


This topic is particularly relevant to expand the thinking of top teams, build the performance and impact of leadership communities, and fast track the development of emerging leaders. 


"Linear thinking never changed the world. The greatest leaders think exponentially."

All organisations are spinning on the disruption vortex.  Some companies and industries are closer to the centre than others changing at a faster rate.  A handful are still on the periphery not aware that they are slowly but increasingly being sucked towards the eye of the storm.


Escaping the disruption vortex is not an option.  As they say ‘change is the only constant’ but the difference in today’s world is the speed at which the change is happening… and it is only getting faster.


Fortunately, in such times of change opportunity is everywhere and failure is far from inevitable.  In fact, research* suggests that up to 90% of a company’s ability to grow in these times relates to internal factors, not variables outside the company’s control.


Understanding which variables enable a company to grow, not decline, is becoming critical capability number 1 in this new era of exponential change.  And everyone plays a role from the mailroom to the boardroom.  ‘It takes the whole village’ to grow from disruption.


The Disruptive Growth series of keynotes, workshops and programs equips participants with the mindframes, behaviours, tactics, systems and processes to respond to change constructively, increase engagement and buy-in to the changes occurring, build a one team culture, and to maintain if not enhance levels of high performance.


This topic is particularly relevant to companies going through major structural change relating to mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, restructures, new leadership or ownership, brand changes and of course companies facing major external disruption.


"Change does not define us…it should refine us."

Disruptive Growth

The High Performance Algorithm

The number one goal I hear from CEOs is growth.  The number one constraint to growth I hear is people.  More specifically there are not enough people that are consistently and reliably high performers.  And rarer still are HIPOs that also inspire others to high performance.


But the so called ‘talent war’ does not have to be such a battle.  Too few leaders understand the science and practice of high performance.  Fortunately there are predictable inputs we can define, develop, measure and grow to achieve high performance outcomes.  In other words there is a high performance algorithm.


The high performance algorithm is a function of two key variables, mindframes and context.  There are other variables to be true but these are the two we have the most control over and when combined have the greatest impact on the outcome.


The High Performance Algorithm series of keynotes, workshops and programs are designed to assess, raise awareness and develop the high performance inputs that will release your existing talent, teams and company to higher levels of performance.


This topic is particularly relevant for organisations and teams that need to step up to new performance levels and achieve higher levels of growth no matter whether they are currently poor, average or good performers and want to become great.


“The opposite of growth and success is not failure it is apathy.”

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